
Animals | Biden | Cartoons | Inspirational | jeff dunham | Jokes | Just Cool | Miscellaneous | People General | Pepto Bismol Moments | Pranks | Red Green | Stupid People | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Category Description
Date Created
Date Modified
Inspirational ==========
Jokes Rich man and the owner
Blonde in a stadium
lady with large bags says not everyone pays
Strip down facing me
Dad daughter prayers and good bye mailman did it
God Almighty and Eve
coins over cash
deer blind jokes
Grandpa & Irs and $25000 bet
penguins in truck
farmer in court from accident
Biden ==========
Inspirational ==========
jeff dunham
Jeff Dunham - bubba j joining twitter
Jeff Dunham -peanut in Iceland
Jeff Dunham - peanut is addicted to coffee
Jeff Dunham - achmed and the 72 virgins

Jeff Dunham - Walter celebrating Christmas
Jeff Dunham Walter in Los Angeles.

People General
2.5 men -Alimony problems
Kate got her license
Chris rock VS the critters
2.5 men - you can't go in there right now
2.5 men - Ellen has a hangover
2.5 men - jake is driving
2.5 men - mom needs Charlie's Mercedes
2.5 men - jakes running away
2.5 men - Allens car is stolen
betty white speaks with madame
having too much spiked iced tea
Kid has some moves

Friends - cooking fiasco
Penny has no money for rent
2.5 men - don't believe in pills
Andy Griffith - multi person government
People not go on a road trip
funny pianist
Family feud - some people say mom
Family feud- __ for sex
Family feud - put in your mouth and don't swallow
Family feud- naked grandma
Ran over pig a year ago
Grandma speaks of growing old.

Stupid People
2.5 men - jake playing twenty one
Wheel of fortune - skin of your teeth
Mrs brown - odd looking Christmas tree
getting van unstuck
Tim Conway - as dunk Dorf
dog and the mushroom
dirt biking dog
trying kickstand start fail
saving planet from meteor
three wheel dump
We have a jumper
flamingo take out
Al Bundy - night before Christmas
tricking an ant
Kermit frog - getting it on

I have never behaved
Dave Osborne - car trick
You can ship your pants
Bill Dance - more fishing tip fails
Dog I wanted vs dog I got
crazy place to park tanks
paddle to the head
Murphy S Law
where are all the men
fortune cookies coming true
how gen z calls off work
Mrs brown - fixing Christmas tree
Family feud - compare to Pillsbury doughboy

Stupid People
Do Americans really open carry
going to American schools
wheelie - you should hold on
I did see at orca
Pushing electric tower over
Always respect your partner
It is too cold
boat catches tires
Motorcyclist drives off road
grilling mistake
Definitely a bad singer
flammable celebration party
Dog frustrated; cannot get squirrel through glass
American workers doing dumb stuff

Pickup dancer gets dumped
Swapping gas nozzles with diesel theft
icy stairs
Please be a fart
Numb chucks in the wrong hands
north sea fishing ride
Soccer goalie debacle
Bring your husband shopping with you
Using your fingers to enlarge physical picture
Alexa has been ghosting my wife
stair rail slide failure
Santa heist
amazon working late on Christmas eve
Hammerhead chasing a tuna into boat

A Biden that completes a sentence
Biden's cranial aneurism
Clarence Thomas about media stupidity
Obama's zero evidence
Biden and weird hugging

the master doctor stories
Biden and money
Trump versus electric cars
Nebraska farmer does it right
Having a white hat Christmas

jeff dunham Peanut and Felice Navidad
Walter in Montreal Canada
Achmed sees Santa Claus
Achmed's camel toe the perfect stocking stuffer
Inspirational Christmas carols at Walmart
Reminding us of who we are
King and country 2019 Little drummer boy
Stupid People
Snoopy flies his dog house
Seagull rides on outboard motor
Punyata revenge
cellophane tape across the door
I wish I listened to my father
Rodney Dangerfield - I have a mean kid
sniff the pink ball
billionaire gets cheap parking
post jumping failure
looking to purchase an elephant
Kids having street fun
Blind cowboy telling blonde joke
Package envy
Fifteen second fall
quick diagonal parking
The mustard funnel
trouble maker karma
desk slacker

bad pole dancer
police boat in bushes
First day of work
I quit
Outtakes from star trek
bad names for battleships
driving stakes into the rail
Where did the balloon go
hitting deer on runway
Dual stop sign
All wheel drive versus rear wheel drive
unexpected toy
stealing in new Orleans
Marine fixes troublemakers in school
bad water slider
dog in the fountain
Only fans calendar.

Stupid People
Getting a semi through traffic
They say cows are dumb
Mrs brown - Christmas tree carwash brush
Friends - I am a woman
Converting tyke car into hot rod
Family feud - wedding plans vs funeral plans
Police academy - great basketball shot
Police academy - shoe polish on bull horn
Family feud - Taking out a gerbil
Problem child - baseball bat home run
airplane with rockets
cat reactions
Amish drag race
World of OSHA violations
flamingo take out
rock the car to unstuck
dog mushroom care
Starting scooter with kickstand

I never have behaved
Dog rides dirt bike
Dave Osborne - the crush car
Ship your pants
Stopping a building jumper
Bill dance - squirt gun on pants
Dave Osborne - basketball stunt
Al Bundy - night before Christmas
Kind of dog I wanted
Tanks sitting on train track
Paddle in the head
Bill dance - Step back into cow poop
Bill dance - fishing misshapes
murphy s law
Reading fortune cookies
Family feud - Pillsbury doughboy has in common
Family feud - gynecologist.

Stupid People
Overloading the water slide
drive through skeleton
water slide overload 2
taking dump on water slide
Is reindeer comet giving advice
Research lab fail
Throwing box on throttle
Dave doing chair ski stunt
monkey with knife
cat poor jumper
Get well card versus retirement card
Cleaning feet in sink fail
Off road city vehicle
Mrs brown - henry the brown nose reindeer
Alligator accessing the mansion
Hanging the coach on the wall

not your ordinary tractor
Family feud - what do you only put in your mouth
laundry is too heavy
putting in Christmas gas
Mrs brown - you cannot keep a secret
Mrs brown - cleaning the flapper
Sheriff dumbfounded by reported stolen drugs
How to deal with telemarketers
Dance outdoors - catching fish in murky water
Dance outdoors - 4 wheeler not in reverse
driving car through trailer
Police academy - glueing chair to Bazard's butt
Merry Christmas from bud light

Stupid People jeff Dunham - Peanuts reaction to Twas the night before Christmas
Budweiser commercial - horse and sleigh ride
Jeff Dunham - Peanut says Jose celebrates something called Navidad
Inspirational Loving affection
Refining Silver
Stupid People
water dispensing issues
some amazing stunts
scooter toilet
Cat testing nine lives
Bicycle whoop-de-do failures
Perfect day at work Osha 1
School desk jump fail
when you get paid by hour

mohawk dog
Newbie at work
Perfect day at work Osha 2
Osha violations
Perfect day at work Osha 3
How is your place of work?
artist Osha

Pepto Bismol Moments gassy video conference
fun at Walmart
She just pops them off
Gassing up the California parks
People General
Decided to step outside 74
Decided to step outside 49
Getting on the horse
I'm getting older
Ultra soccer fail
Kid likes slap not
old enough to buy my school clothes
round bale rolling down hill
best mother in law story
Deer on the wet concrete
checking my kids candy
Help me fold the laundry

prison restroom doesn't cut it
men hunt and fish
golfing with Gary
my wife's story sucks
We watch law in order
extended group family text
getting bunk beds
2.5 men - whose child is that
Being wrong about equal love
buying my parents a condo
Good watermelon handler
Cat in the bed

Stupid People
Scottish laptop repair shop
Fishermen/plane crap pants
Dropping horn on head
2.5 men - Alan looking for charlie
Mrs brown - how is diet going
Mrs brown - checking out granddads Testicles
Cheating on driving test
Sneaky bicycler
Dave Osborne - stunt car driver

Wife is in hurry to get going
The dirt road pothole
steal guy's car stealing your catalytic converter
When did we get a wall safe?
Names of cars that would never sell
Dave osborne compression test stunt
stupid people fails I
Stupid people fails II
